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Five-Minute Briefing on Israel's Founding Process

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by 케나다코리안 2020. 7. 12. 01:48


The history of Israel's founding begins with Zionism in the late 19th century.
Zion means the Jewish homeland as a place of salvation for Jews to return from Babylon.
They have hoped to establish a nation where their people can live together.
On August 29, 1897, Jewish representatives from all over the world gathered in Basel, Switzerland. And here we took the Basel Code, which aims to build a Jewish state in Palestine, where the Holy Land, Jerusalem is located.
This is the beginning of Israel's founding.



The contest was held once every two years, but it will subside for a while after the death of Herchul, the representative in 1904. The failure of the Revolution in Russia in 1905 led to a massive Holocaust in Russia, and a huge number of Jews began to flee to Palestine, and by 1914, that number reached 90,000 people. They were almost empty-handed and desperately needed someone's financial help.
At this time, a man named Edmond James Rothschild appeared and invested a lot of money to help the Jewish people stand on their own feet. Jerusalem gradually began to change from an Islamic city to a Jewish city around the land of the Rothschild mountain, and the Rothschild family in Europe began to support the Palestinians.


So early Israel was built by the wealth and influence of Rothschild, which is why Rothschild is called the true father of Israel.




In October 1915, when World War I was going on for a long time, Britain was fighting the Ottoman Empire over the Suez Canal. In order to make up for this, Britain, which was behind the war, promised independence by asking for war cooperation from then Arab leader Ali bin Hussein (1879-1935) through Henry McMahon, a diplomat in Egypt. This is how the Arabs of Palestine aim guns at the Ottoman Empire, like their brothers. In 1916, when the British were on the verge of surrender to Germany, they tried to bring the United States to war as a last resort.



In October of that year, Britain secretly met with Lionel Rothschild, head of the World Zionist Federation and Europe's largest financial conglomerate, promising to hand over Palestine to Jews after the war. But the problem was that Zionists in the United States were skeptical about the British government's implementation of the London Treaty.


The urgent British government began to persuade Jewish leaders in the United States on December 4 by appointing the famous Zionist Lloyd George as prime minister.
As a result, in April 1917, President Wilson of the U.S. took part in the war by giving a declaration of war to Germany, and even the Bellpoor Declaration was made in November. The reason for this declaration was that it needed the capital of the British Jews.


For your information, I'd like to introduce another Jew who, along with Rothschild, helped behind the Bellpoor Declaration.
Heim Weights, a professor of chemistry at Manchester University. During World War I, almost all countries used the stone from Chile as a source of chemistry, but Germany's unrestricted diving operation prevented Britain from entering the stone from Chile. In order to make gunpowder without foundation, organic matter had to be melted into acetone, but the UK had no technology to mass-produce acetone.


At this time, only Weights developed a technology that could mass-produce acetone from starch and contributed to the victory of the First World War in England. He, too, is an avid Zionist who has helped draw up the Bellpoor Declaration, convincing senior British policy officials that creating a Jewish state in Palestine is in Britain's national interest. And he will become the first president of Israel in the future.



After losing World War I in Germany, the empire was divided by Britain and France. South Syria, which was ruled by Britain, is divided into the Jordan River in the east and Palestine in the west. In 1922, the population of Palestine, divided by religion, was 590,000 Muslims, 80,000 Jews, and 70,000 Greeks, and in about a decade, only 240,000 Jews. This was due to British support under the Bellpoor Declaration.




This led to the Palestinian Arabs being afraid of the Jewish wave, and from 1936 to 1939, they rose up in British policy. Britain has come to announce its plan to restrict Jewish migration in 1939. But this is something both Arabs and Jews in Palestine are unhappy. But at this point in time, when World War II broke out, the Jews, who felt the crisis, urged more and more to move to Palestine, and the conflict between Arabs and Jews escalated.


When World War II ended with Germany's surrender, the United Nations finally came up with a plan to separate the Palestinian territories into Arab and Jewish countries in 1947. It included the division of Jerusalem, the Holy Land. Based on this proposal of the UN, Israel was founded on May 14, 1948.



*The above content is indicated by YouTuber Justice's Israel Foundation Content.

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